The Mahabharata war symbolizes the spiritual war that took place in the Confluence Age which is now. The Mahabharata war has a subtle part as well as a physical part. The conquest of the vices is the subtle part done through the pilgrimage of remembrance or yoga as taught in the Gita.

The physical part is through nuclear wars, plagues, pestilence and natural calamities. Shivratri signals the beginning of the Mahabharata of greed and lust, there arises a conflict. So, there has to be a rational acceptance of self-control.
This is the social side of the law of ‘Dharma’. The law that puts some limits to man’s desires, serves as a regulative principle of life and requires us to respect the dignity and the needs of ‘brother man’. It is this regulating principle that solves all other conflicts.
It is what is called ‘Purity’ or ‘Righteousness’. Anyone who desires peace has to have purity or ‘original nature’; it is Rajyoga that stabilizes man in his ‘original nature’ or ‘original form’. Rajyoga is, therefore, the turnkey for peace. It changes man’s outlook, transforms his behavior, gets him peace by having a mental link with God and enables him to lead a life of inner and outer harmony. Lucky are those who possess this turn-key for peace.
This confluence age hosts the war between the vices and the virtues, known as the Mahabharat war to the Hindus, or Armageddon to the Judaic and Christian world. At the end of the iron age, the soul becomes totally degraded, weak and helpless and is controlled by the vices and influenced by the senses and elements. The soul is eclipsed by impurity and loses all its powers and is under the control of Rawan and this what is called the “veil of maya”. The only weapon to destroy and overcome this maya is the Remembrance of God Shiva in every thought in order to perform elevated actions.
This remembrance is written in the Gita as “Manmannabhav”, which means to establish your mind in Me”. It is to surrender the vices in the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra called the “Rudra Gita Gyan Yagna”. (Yogi B.K. Khem Jokhoo. Trinidad. May 2019 – Karma, Law of Destiny and Dharamraj)